I’m sitting in a leadership conference that I needed far worse than I care to admit. I’ve had my heart stirred, my faith encouraged, my mind challenged and my calling clarified. In reference to the last part, my calling, it’s less about being a District Superintendent and more to do with being a leader in the body of Christ.
I’m at the Catalyst Conference where the theme is “Uncommon Fellowship” and the message has consistently addressed the calling of the Church to be one, just as Jesus prayed in John 17. Andy Stanley, the first speaker, brought a message that spoke to the essential nature of the Church to LEAD the way for our culture in the area of tearing down the walls that separate people – race, economics, politics, denominations, etc.
He spoke about all the one another statements in the New Testament and he said, “Everyone wants to be one another-ed.”
He challenged us to imagine a world where people are skeptical of what we believe, but are absolutely envious of how well we treat one another in the Church.
Wow!!! That’s a good envy for us to strive for. We ought to strive to live in such a way and operate in such a way that when there is a division or a racial tension in a community that outsiders think to call pastors because they look at churches and say, “They know what to do. They can help us.”
I can’t wait for our All Peoples Gathering April 25-26. We’re going to work at this. Pray with me for a great move of the Spirit of God to make us one in the Eastern District of the EFCA.
God bless you and your churches! I’m praying your Easter season is reviving souls!
Eddie is Lead Pastor of Life Point Hampton Roads. He was previously the Executive Vice President of National Ministries for the EFCA and before that the EFCA East District Superintendent. Regardless of role, with a desire to share the Gospel in word and deed, Eddie’s calling is to come alongside pastors and leaders helping them live well, lead well and multiply their ministries with vision and passion.