The Journey of Faith: Understanding Stages of Spiritual Growth

As a 13-year-old, my extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins journeyed across the United States from Pennsylvania to California. The month-long trip was carefully planned so that we would arrive at my grandparent’s home on a pre-appointed day. Three cars and 14 people traveled from state to state, stopping at strategic points like the…

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Discipleship Pathways for Kids

When it comes to discipling children, there is no limit to the thoughts, patterns, and opinions you can find online. You can probably ask around your immediate community and get another few dozen different answers. So how do we disciple today’s children in our churches, and how do we know if our discipleship practices are…

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A Simple Pattern For Discipleship

I have had the exact same conversation happen exactly the same way perhaps 30 or 40 times. It always starts the same way: ‘Jesus tells us every Christian to make disciples!’ Often the person out at breakfast with me heartily agrees, it is hard not to. But then all the air comes out of the…

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Are you making progress?

Last summer our family made the trek north to Acadia National Park. This was new territory for us. The journey between central Pennsylvania and New York City has been well traveled, but beyond that we had no idea what the region would hold for us. I believe in my abilities to navigate most situations while…

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Rethinking Women’s Ministry

When I sit and ponder what my life has looked like, I remember all the crazy and hard times I have walked through.  When I was three, I saw my two-year-old brother fall off a three-story fire escape head first. He is still alive today. My father struggled with drugs and alcohol but was saved…

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Can we tawk about the… minor leagues? Yup, I’m a Yankees fan! Now that I’ve got that off my chest, let me talk about Ben Heller and life in Scranton, PA. Last month, Heller was optioned to Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre after making just one appearance for the Yankees. He recorded one out while allowing a walk and a hit…

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