The Art of Budgeting for Ministry Success
For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who are watching it will begin to ridicule him, saying, “This…
Read MoreIntentional Leadership For Lasting Impact
In 2022, a Wall Street Journal article explored the LED Variable Speed signs appearing on highways nationwide. The article highlighted the complex mathematics—originally developed to study explosions—that underpins how these signs work. One line caught my attention: “In essence, we all go slower to get there a little faster.” Let that one sink in for…
Read MoreBefore You Say Yes
It was a blistering hot day hiking in the Tetons. Keeping up with my sons and friends who were in better shape than me was quite a task. There were times they would get ahead of me and, in goodwill, wait till I caught up with them. And then we would all take off again…
Read MoreBeyond Fairness: Understanding God’s Inverted Kingdom
I am sure you have heard a child bemoan something that is not fair. Maybe something like, “My sister can stay up late, but I can’t – that’s not fair.” Or, “He got a bigger piece of cake. That’s not fair!” That’s because fairness is a natural way of making sense of the world for…
Read MorePlagiarism and the Pulpit
Plagiarism in preaching isn’t a new issue. Jeremiah 23:30 speaks of false prophets who, as the Lord says, “steal my words from one another.” These prophets lied, delivering messages from others or their imaginations, devoid of God’s truth. Such words were mere straws compared to wheat, worthless to God’s people. Does this mean plagiarizing preachers…
Read MoreMental Health Matters: How the Church Can Lead with Compassion and Care
Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the perception of mental health within the church. As someone who has spent years both in the church and in the mental health field, I’ve had a front-row seat to see how mental health is often stigmatized within Christian communities. This topic has resurfaced for me after a prominent pastor…
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