The Movement Hasn’t Passed You By
The movement of Jesus Christ hasn’t passed you by. You may not be a superstar – who cares? There’s only supposed to be One!
This is the movement of Jesus Christ. How dare we pastors or worship leaders or authors hijack His glory. How dare anybody think that we’re going to come and we’re going to look up on a platform and see a person up there doing their thing and give them glory.
This thing is all about Jesus Christ. And He hasn’t left you.
He has not removed His anointing from you.
He has not taken His Spirit from you.
He has not changed His plans for you.
He is with you.
He is for you.
And if God is for you, it doesn’t even matter who is against you. You are an overcomer through Jesus Christ our Lord.
So here’s the idea: while this movement is going on, don’t quit. Don’t give up.
Cry out in Jesus’ name.
Cry out for mercy.
Cry out for Him to touch you once again.
Cry out for Him to restore your vision.
Cry out for Him to give you new life, to bring you close and go on a journey that you’ve never dreamed of because that’s the kind of God that you serve.
Eddie is Lead Pastor of Life Point Hampton Roads. He was previously the Executive Vice President of National Ministries for the EFCA and before that the EFCA East District Superintendent. Regardless of role, with a desire to share the Gospel in word and deed, Eddie’s calling is to come alongside pastors and leaders helping them live well, lead well and multiply their ministries with vision and passion.
Thanks Eddie! This is SPOT ON! We need to hear that message.