I don’t do ministry because I’m married to a minister.

I don’t do ministry because I’m married to a minister. I participate in ministry because I feel so passionately about expanding the kingdom of God and doing work for His kingdom. He’s done such a work in me and I’m so grateful to be redeemed. I’m so grateful to be called one of His own.

In response to that, I want to offer up myself in anyway possible. The reason I’m in the role that I’m in now is simply the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30).

I had no desire to join the staff of a church again after leaving Salem. It wasn’t that I didn’t love the church. I do. But it was nice to have a break. It was nice to have the freedom to travel with Eddie wherever he was going in the District.

Frankly, I have a passion to minister to pastor’s wives because I’ve been a pastor’s wife for 21 years. That’s over half my life I’ve spent with Eddie, pouring in to God’s people. I love those who do that. I want to stir up the gifts in those who do that and those who do that as a team.

When the role of Women’s Ministry Director became available at West Shore Free Church, I didn’t know if that was something I wanted to do. Our pastor at the time was preaching on the parables. He got to the Parable of the Talents and my heart was so stirred with conviction because I knew that if I went back into real estate, which is something that I did for years and love, that I would still be finding ways to weave the Gospel into my conversations.

When we’re in the work place, we have the opportunity to be a secret agent for Jesus. All the way through every conversation, I get to ask the Lord for an open door so that I can introduce them to the greatest thing that’s every happened to me.

But when he was speaking about the parable, I realized the difference between addition and multiplication.

If I can equip other women to have a heart of evangelism for those in their communities then I’ve stopped adding, I’m now multiplying.


  1. Irene Knowles on August 21, 2018 at 8:23 am

    You got it lady!

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