What Metallica Helped Me Remember About Ministry

By Ryan Bailey

Sometimes inspiration can come from the most unusual places… I wouldn’t consider myself a huge Metallica fan, but as a child of the 90’s, I certainly have some appreciation for the band and particularly that specific era of their music. So earlier today while mindlessly scrolling Facebook, I came across a video of the guys playing…

Worship In Your Context

By Norberto Colon

What do you think of when you hear the phrase high impact? Maybe a really intense workout or an extreme collision? I’m guessing worship isn’t what pops into your mind first… Simply put, high impact worship makes a difference in people’s lives – not just the lives of a congregation, but also the people outside…

How’s Your Vocabulary?

By Ryan Bailey

I have three daughters, ages 14 years, 10 years, and 22 months. Before you ask: I don’t know what we were thinking and yes, that is a big gap. But lately I’ve been amazed at just how quickly my youngest daughter has gone from pointing and yelling “dat!” while we try to figure out what…

He Is Risen… Indeed?

By Ryan Bailey

Well, it’s been a little over a year now since our world as church leaders was rocked to its core, as the COVID-19 pandemic began sweeping the world last spring and everything everywhere began shutting down. Most of us expected that first weekend of making the last-minute pivot to online services was going to be…

Worship In The Time Of Covid

By Ryan Bailey

  What a strange time to be a worship leader! At the time I’m writing this, most of us are heading into our fifth weekend since most states, and eventually the Federal Government, shut down all large gatherings and changed everything we thought we knew about doing ministry. At this point, I’ve actually spent more weekends…