Pulpit Supply Expectations Here are some expectations and best practices to help you get the most out of your experience using our pulpit supply pool. DOWNLOAD THE EXPECTATIONS Review Your Talk Sometimes our preaching needs a little outside perspective. Use these worksheets to evaluate your own preaching and to provide feedback for the person who filled your pulpit. DOWNLOAD WORKSHEETS DELAWARE What hope does everlasting life hold for us? Omniscience MARYLAND Watching Your Future Go Up in Smoke Church LIfe Beyond the Killer Sermon MASSACHUSETTS Hottest Topic in the Early Church - Acts 15:1-18 Ephesus: All My Failures are Failures of Love NEW JERSEY Understanding Biblical Repentance Unwavering Hope Do I Get It? Do I Really Get It? Be A Window Of God's Light NEW YORK True Contentment The Great Deception PENNSYLVANIA Walk Wisely Re-calibrate: Patience The Waiting Game Judge Much Parables: Stay Awake! Why Jesus Loves A Crowd Unpacking the Mystery Surrounding the Future Restoration of Israel - Romans 11: 1-29 The Mysteries of the Messiah, the Lamb of God – Matthew 27:1-4 and 11-26 The Rich Young Ruler The Spirit Grows Fruit Clarks Summit University Chapel | April 16, 2019 All Together Now Community Meets Grace Counterintuitive (Wisdom from Jesus) VIRGINIA Mark 10: 46-52 at Cornerstone Trinity Presbyterian Church Psalm 90 Proverbs TweetPinShare