Advent 2023

The season of Advent invites believers to eagerly await and prepare for the celebration of Christ’s birth. It is by nature a season that points us forward. We look ahead toward a date on the calendar when we celebrate the Messiah’s arrival and we are reminded to anticipate with hope and readiness Christ’s glorious return. 

This Advent, we want to sharpen our forward gaze by looking backward. Starting December 3rd, we will embark on a journey through the intricate branches of Jesus’ family tree. 

The roots of this lineage delve deep into the soil of humanity's struggles, tracing back through generations marked by imperfections and shortcomings. Yet, in the midst of brokenness, a common thread emerges – the unwavering promise of redemption. 

Out of the bent, bruised, and battered branches of this tree came a savior who redeemed a people and invited the generations to come to be grafted into his own family. 

Join us as we explore the narratives of the past to illuminate the transformative power of grace we celebrate each Christmas.

Advent Download

Our goal for church calendar resources like these is to create something you can use individually or corporately. We know that crafting special elements and services for your own people can take time you'd normally have for your own refreshment.

We will be posting an image a day on our socials that highlights a person or event from Jesus' family tree with a corresponding scripture passage. We're encouraging our EFCA East family to take a few moments to read God's word and reflect using three simple questions provided with the graphic.

All the graphics are downloadable below if you'd like to use them in your own context.

Eastern District Association
PO Box 3547
Camp Hill, PA 17011